The sperm nucleus moving to egg nucleus runs faster than the one to the polar nuclei. 精核与两极核是在向反足细胞团移动过程中完成雌雄核融合。
If the clone reaches maturity and reproduces naturally, epigenetic changes will often be reset, returning the sperm and egg nuclei to a state in which they can differentiate into all types of tissue. 如果克隆成熟并可以自然繁殖,表观遗传变化常常会被重置,回到精子和卵细胞核的状态~可以变成所有类型的组织。
The decondensation of sperm nuclei is related to disulfide bonding and the successful fertilization is dependent on oocyte activation. 显微注精不需要精子结构上的完整性,精子核的去凝聚与二硫键有关,卵母细胞的激活对受精成功是必须。
The two sperm nuclei and the tube nucleus are all derived from a single microspore nucleus by mitosis. 两个精核和管核都是从同一个小孢子核有丝分裂产生的。
18 hours after pollination, sperm nucleus adheres to the nuclear membrane of polar nuclei or that of the secondary nucleus; 授粉后18h,精核附在极核或次生核的核膜上。
The fusion of sperm and two polar nuclei occurs. Two to three hours after pollination, and primary endosperm nucleus begins to divide 4h after pollination. 授粉后2~3h精子与极核融合,授粉后4h初生胚乳核第一次分裂。
Observations of in vitro fertilization capacity and the transformation of human sperm nuclei before and after administration of gossypol acetic acid 口服醋酸棉酚前后人精子体外受精能力及精核转变的细胞学观察
Data obtained from the comet assay revealed that Cd was capable of inducing DNA breaks in the sperm nuclei. 彗星试验获得的数据表明Cd能诱导精子核中的DNA断裂。
16-18 hours after pollination, the sperm nucleus moves to the polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus. 授粉后16~18h精核向极核或次生核移动。
Solms conforms to the Helobial type, about 19~ 20 hours after pollination, the other sperm nucleus entered the secondary nucleus, and the free nuclei period began; 凤眼莲的胚乳发育属沼生目型,授粉后约19~21小时,另一精于与次生核融合形成游离核;
In two to three hours after pollination, two sperm nuclei are nestled on the nuclear membranes of the egg nucleus and a polar nucleus respectively and synchronously. 3授粉后2~3h,精核分别贴附于卵细胞与极核核膜上;
Based on materials with different potential for haploid inducing, the distance between two sperm nuclei of pollen tubes germinating in vitro was observed and analyzed by dying the nuclei of various maize inbred lines with fluorescent agent DAPI. 试验选用孤雌生殖单倍体诱导率存在差异的不同类型自交系为材料,利用DAPI荧光染色方法对离体萌发花粉管中两个精核之间的距离进行了观察统计。
10. 20 hours after pollination, sperm nucleus enters one of the polar nuclei or the secondary nucleus and the triple fusion takes place. 10.授粉后20h,精核进入1个极核或次生核,二者进行融合。
The perinuclear spaces of the egg and sperm nuclei at the fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei; 精、卵核融合时两核的核周腔内;
The lipid globules increased sharply in the egg and central cells at the time of fusion of sperm and egg nuclei. 精卵核融合时,卵细胞和中央细胞中的脂类分别存在一个积累高峰。
Experiment of Separating Sperm Nuclei of Dairy Cattle According to Sex 乳牛精子细胞核的两性分离试验
Methods: Two-color fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH) was performed on sperm nuclei using centromeric probes for chromosome 9 and 18, and the frequencies of aneuploidy were scored. 方法:用9、18号染色体着丝粒探针与精子核进行双色荧光原位杂交,计数非整倍体率。
Study on Impact Factors of Common Carp Sperm Nuclei Decondensation in Cell-Free System 非细胞体系中红鲤精核去凝集的影响因子研究
Two sperm nuclei within the cytoplasm of female cells; 进入雌性细胞中的两个精核;
Protamine is a basic protein. It is mainly in mature fish sperm nuclei and bind DNA. 鱼精蛋白是一种碱性蛋白,主要在鱼类成熟精子细胞核中作为和DNA结合的核精蛋白存在。
As most of the Lepidopteran insects, the silkworm has sperm dimorphism. They generate sperm with nuclei before the silkworm spinning, after that, they produce sperm without nuclei. 和大部分鳞翅目昆虫一样,家蚕具有精子二型性:上蔟吐丝前产生有核精子,之后则产生无核精子。
Analyzed frozen damage to Cobia and crimson snapper cryopreservation sperm nuclei, which was used single cell gel electrophoresis. 运用单细胞电泳技术对军曹鱼与红鳍笛鲷超低温冷冻保存的精子进行精子细胞核冷冻损伤分析。